"Islamic Revolution and Hezbollah move on in line with Islam's dignity," says Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani

Speaking to a number of scholars and scientific elites from Hezbollah-affiliated al-Rizwan Faculty, Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani (may he live long) said that the Islamic revolution of Iran and Hezbollah are moving in the same direction. "Our goal and hearts are in harmony with one another," he noted.

nokhbegan lobnan

His Eminence further said that highly prominent and educated personalities who are opposed to the arrogant powers are in Lebanon's Hezbollah group. He further said, "During my visit to Lebanon two years ago, I met with many prominent figures including Sheikh Hasan Nasrallah who is the standard-bearer of combat and struggle against the arrogant powers and Zionist regime."

Referring to the verse 104 of Chapter Aal-e 'Imran, Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani said, "There should always be some people who are well-versed and well-informed and who should call on people to goodness and charity. These people should have good knowledge of what is good and what is evil. They should invite people to Islam through enjoining good and forbidding evil."

Elaborating on the importance of the rank of those who endeavor to seek knowledge, engage in research and Islamic Jihad, His Eminence said, "Your first and foremost duty is to know what is good and what is evil in the macro-level. Those who endeavor to fulfill their duty in this regard must be familiar with their duty of enjoining good and forbidding evil."

His Eminence said that establishing an Islamic government which upholds Islamic values and principles is the goal of the movements against arrogant powers. "According to narrations, those who invite people to such a government must make sure they invite others to Islamic values with their action and conduct."

Referring to the verse 103 of Chapter Aal-e 'Imran, Grand Ayatollah Noori Hamedani said, "Based          on a narration, which has been transmitted from Imam Sadiq (AS), the angels spread their wings under the feet of those who embark on teaching and learning sciences. We the students enjoy tremendous importance, and we must maintain our unity and hold firmly to the divine covenant to realize Islamic ambitions."

His Eminence made mention of a saying of Imam Sadiq (AS):

عُلَمَاءُ شِیعَتِنَا مُرَابِطُون بِالثَّغْرِ الَّذِی یلِی إِبْلِیسُ وَ عَفَارِیتُهُ

whereupon he said, "Hezbollah is a perfect manifestation of this narration because they have stood up against the spider web i.e. the Zionists defending the religion against infidelity. Day by day, the truth becomes more explicit and manifest and the US, the Zionist regime and the House of Saud are declining."

His Eminence said that the light of Islamic Revolution will never extinguish, though there are some people who believe that the revolution will cease to exist after its victory but today, "we see that this great revolution has turned into a model for all the deprived and the weakened. Even those who wear yellow jackets in France have declared Imam Khomeini (ra) as their role model. Therefore, the Islamic revolution and the regional developments are growing stronger day by day and it is the enemies that are going down."